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Visegrad Youth Fórum 2019

For the 8th time Banská Bystrica will host Visegrad Youth Forum (VYF), the flagship project of Euro-Atlantic Center organized by students. The tradition of VYF consists of creating a platform for young students and scholars to discuss the pressing issues of international relations, mainly focusing on V4 agenda and the development of the V4 region within the Euro-Atlantic structures. The future leaders are offered a possibility to exchange their opinions and views with bona fide experts who are the inseparable part of the conference and therefore help to create the informal recommendations for the V4 governments. This year's edition is special due to many important anniversaries which are discussed in single parts of the conference, the accession anniversaries of the V4 countries to NATO and the 70th anniversary of the Alliance itself. Coessential is also the aspect of mutual cultural and social enrichment of participants from all V4 countries which helps to deepen the mutual understanding and cooperation within the V4 region.